A lot of people will ask us how many surgeries Ryan has had. And the truth is, I've lost count. I feel like it's something I should know when people ask me. I've been there for every single one.
But I'm having a hard time defining what is a surgery and what isn't. Is it cutting into Ryan's body to remove, repair, or reposition something? Does it require general anesthesia? An overnight hospital stay? A combination of these things? Is it not a surgery if they use a laser, but he was under general anesthesia? Is it not a surgery if they use local anesthetic, cut away at a part of his body, but he sleeps through it and walks away feeling fine? It's getting complicated to define "surgery".
All I know is Ryan has had a number of "procedures" this summer since the time I posted about his eyebrow transplant. (Was that a surgery? Local anesthesia, cutting and stitching, drove himself home?) In July, he had a graft to his right palm and releases in the tendons in his fingers. (General anesthesia, cutting and stitching, home that day.....surgery, check!) A couple weeks later he had laser resurfacing of his face and left arm. (General anesthesia, no cutting and stitching, home that same day.......surgery?) On his birthday in August, he had skin cut away from the titanium posts on the sides of his head in preparation for his prosthetic ears. (Local anesthesia, cutting and stitching, went to other appointments that same day and drove himself home....surgery?) And on August 18th, he had another eyelid release to both of his lower eyelids. (General anesthesia, cutting and stitching, overnight hospital stay....surgery, check!)
I don't exactly know how to define surgery and it doesn't REALLY matter. I just kind of wish I had an answer to the question when someone asks me how many surgeries Ryan has had. I guess being in our community that question comes up more often than you would think. Regardless, Ryan's having another procedure tomorrow. General anesthesia. Laser. Home. Call it what you want.