I know this sounds crazy, but Ryan had hand surgery two weeks ago, and it's been so uneventful that I forgot I didn't post about it.
We were sitting around on a random Tuesday talking about what procedures still needed to be scheduled and wondering when we wouldn't have to have that conversation anymore. So instead of just talking about it, Ryan jumped on the phone and called his hand surgeon to get on the schedule. They had an opening the following Monday and we took it.
So yes, Ryan had hand surgery on April 6th. They grafted the web spacing on his left hand between his index and middle fingers and his pinky and ring fingers. They also released the web spacing with a z-plasty between his middle and ring fingers, no graft. They took a full thickness donor from his left side and closed it with stitches. They immobilized his hand with a splint and we were home before noon. Ryan slept off the anesthesia for the rest of the afternoon and woke up hungry, but without pain. And now two weeks later, I can say that not once did he require pain medication after this surgery. Not even a Tylenol.
We went back for a follow up last Tuesday. They took off the splint and saw that the grafts look great and seem to be taking well. They left the splint off, so Ryan can drive and gently use his left hand. We go back this Tuesday and if things still look good, he can begin physical therapy on that hand again.
Ryan's had so many surgeries that we've lost count. I didn't mean to neglect to blog about this last one. It just wasn't one of his more exciting procedures, and it truly felt like any other day.