Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Post-op Day One

If Ryan's nurses didn't know how much he likes to sleep late, they know now. After they resolved Ryan's issue with his eyes, he decided he had some sleep to make up for. When I came in at noon, his nurse told me that he'd sent her away and said not to come back until I arrived to feed him lunch. He wasn't mean, just clear. :) And even though he didn't complain about his pain, he hardly ate anything so you know he wasn't feeling great. He didn't do much besides rest today, but he did get out of bed and sit in a chair for about an hour and a half. The physical therapist came by to range and stretch his hands. His surgeon stopped in and said that he was looking great, but as a precaution he prescribed leech therapy for his left cheek and nitroglycerin paste for his right cheek. Both recommendations should dilate his capillaries and improve circulation to ensure the viability of his flaps. While leeches may make some people squeamish, this is not Ryan's first encounter with the blood sucking parasite. They used leeches on his eyelids after a procedure last October. It doesn't hurt, in fact, he can hardly feel it. And to show what a sense of humor Ryan has about it all, he often names his leeches. Today they were Albert Einstein, Kelly Clarkson, and Kareem Abdul Jabar. I asked him why and he said they were all American Idols! Whatever makes him happy!

I'm hoping he's a little more talkative tomorrow and a little more hungry. But all this is to be expected after such a major surgery. We're just taking it moment by moment. Thank you to everyone who posted a comment or sent us an email. It helps to know you're out there sending us your support and love.


Sarah said...

Glad to hear things are going well so far. Hopefully it will continue in that direction. You are all in my prayers!

RoseAnn said...

Nothing but the best leeches for Ryan!

I hope his recovery continues going well.

My Family said...

We are definitely praying for all of you. Love the names of the leeches this time, Mike really likes the Kelly Clarkson one because of 40 year old Virgin.

Lizette said...

We are praying that God will lay His healing hand on Ryan and that all will go well. Blessings to all of you.

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that the surgery went well. You all continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

Go Albert, Kelly, and Kareem!