Thursday, August 14, 2008

Post-op Day Two

Ryan looked much better today than he did yesterday. While he wasn't feeling really bad yesterday, he wasn't moving around much either. He pretty much just laid there with his eyes closed. Today when I came in he was sitting up with his eyes open, talking with visitors. So his eyes are feeling a lot better, and so is he. He still isn't eating much, but I'm not too worried. I know that will come back. It always does! And his flaps are still looking good. They are a little more swollen than they were, but not as swollen as some of the guys I've seen. And the swelling is normal too.

They continued with the leech therapy today, but we had a little added excitement. The nurse who took care of Ryan had never worked with leeches before. A more experienced nurse came in and showed her how to get them started and then left her alone to catch them as they fill up and fall off. Well, Ryan's nurse wasn't 100% comfortable with the leeches. So, when they finished up she just grabbed them with a handful of gauze pads and quickly threw them in the trash. Well, leeches are living, moving beings...and they didn't stay in the trash can. A little while later, I nearly screamed when I saw a leech inching across the floor leaving a trail of blood. His nurse jumped up and grabbed it but didn't know what to do with it. Then we saw a second one on the floor near the trash can. There was still a third leech unaccounted for that the housekeeping staff discovered shortly after. The nurse was so embarrassed and the whole ward was making fun of her and giving her funny nicknames like DJ Leechy. And she has since learned that after a leech gets his last meal, you destroy him in a cup of hydrogen peroxide. While it may sound cruel, it's much more hygienic than letting them leave blood trails all over the floor when they escape the trash can.


Sarah said...

that is disturbing and hysterical at the same time! glad ryan is still doing well! :)

RoseAnn said...

That is pretty funny!

I didn't realize leeches were "single use only" but I guess they'd have to be unless you had a dedicated "team" for each patient.

A moment of silence for Albert, Kelly and Kareem...

My Family said...

Oh my goodness I would of loved to see that!