Saturday, September 27, 2008

Soccer, school, and writing too!

It's me!  I know this blog has been very boring without my regular posts.  I'm sorry it's been forever!  I'll catch you up on all the latest.  I am in 8th grade for those of you who don't know.  At the moment me and the other 8th graders rule the school!!!  Ha ha.  And our teachers are awesome!  So far there has  been no homework issues.  We actually rarely have to do homework at home because we have a free period where we do nothing but homework.  I really think we should knock off that period and just go home early but it's not up to me, sadly : (
As you can see by the pictures mom's loaded up I had my first soccer game today.  The team got lucky and won but we were going easy on them. : )  but because that game is the first one of the season it doesn't count.  So the "Clashers" better watch out cause my team is gonna whoop them!!!
And my crazy soccer friends think I have bad sportsmanship!  Well in the pictures I look kinda blurry because of my ah-mazing speed skills.  Ha ha just kidding...kind of.  In one of them it looks as if I am colliding heads with number 12.  Well he was one of the good players on the team and no we didn't collide that's just camera magic there.
I have also been writing during my spare time, a bit of a hobby now a days.  So if you want to get my autograph now before I'm famous feel free : D
Not much more to report, I will try to give you more details when I get a chance!  See ya!


Anonymous said...

You know, you got those "ah-mazing speed skills" from your Aunt Angie... you're welcome! :) Love you!!!

Team Osborne said...

Well, then I will take credit for the writing skills...Jaida, you are Great!!!